Aerospace Engineering

robotic arm astronautAerospace Engineering involves the science, design, manufacture and operation of aircraft, spacecraft and robotic systems travelling within or beyond the earth's atmosphere.

Engineers in this field work on aircraft, space systems and spacecraft for space exploration, communications satellites, and rocketry. Aerospace engineers also work on wind-turbines for sustainable energy, urban air mobility, unmanned aerial vehicles, self-driving cars, and balloon-borne telescopes.

Canada has a long history and unique strengths in the aerospace sector. EngSci's Aerospace Engineering major has been a part of our program for over 60 years and has a greater emphasis on theory than many other aerospace-related undergraduate programs.

The Major provides a broad but comprehensive and multidisciplinary curriculum. Topics include aerodynamics, dynamics and control systems, structures and materials, combustion and propulsion, and aeroacoustics.

The program prepares students to contribute to advances in leading and emerging aerospace companies and research institutions within Canada and around the world. It is also excellent preparation for entry into top graduate programs leading to advanced research degrees.

Students receive instruction on aircraft design and flight (within the atmosphere) and spacecraft (beyond the atmosphere), with a strong focus on the fundamentals of the related science and engineering topics. Courses also touch on sustainable aviation and environment, and space exploration.

Students are taught by professors from the internationally recognized University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS), who have outstanding research strengths in these areas. UTIAS is the university's hub for aerospace engineering and is Canada's space research powerhouse. Guided by its world-leading researchers, students gain design experience, access to unique, cutting-edge facilities and industry and government partnerships, including with the Canadian Space Agency.


Did you know...?

Students can further their knowledge in student clubs
like UTAT, RSX, and
Blue Sky Solar Racing.

Find more student clubs here.

Sample Courses

Where this major can take you

Our graduates include leaders in industry and research.  Meet some of our alumni.

Employers for recent graduates include MDA Space Missions, Accenture, Bombardier, Pratt & Whitney Canada, Honeywell, Messier Dowty, CSA, NASA, and others.

Entrepreneurial graduates have started companies like Kepler Communications, Aerovelo, and 2XL Games.

Recent graduates have attended graduate school at UTIAS, CalTech, Cambridge, ETH Zurich, MIT, Standford, University of Michigan, and more.  Many have also gone on to academic positions around the world.


photo of Alis Ekmekci smiling and wearing a bright pink jacket over a white hirt

Chair of the Aerospace Engineering major

Professor Alis Ekmekci (UTIAS)

Prof. Ekmekci’s research interests include flow-induced noise and vibration, flow-structure interactions, unsteady separated flows, flow control, and vortex dynamics. She earned her MASc and PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Lehigh University in 2003 and 2007, respectively. Following her postdoctoral position at Purdue University, she started working as a faculty member in 2008 at the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies. Since then, she has led the experimental fluids research laboratory at the institute and taught AER210 to EngSci students.