How to Prepare for ESEC 2024

The ESEC team has compiled resources to help you get the most of out of the conference!

We promise that putting in a little bit of leg work before ESEC will make your day so much more worthwhile.

Below you'll find info on dress code, prep workshop, ESEC worksheet, and more.

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Do your homework

Before the conference read up on the speakers and their session abstracts!

Check out the Speakers page to learn about each speaker and visit their biography and relevant websites.

Then make a list of questions that come to mind! It could be about their industry sector, how they make important decisions, advice for young engineers on how to prepare for the future, or anything else.

Think broadly—it's not every day that undergraduate students get to speak personally with such experienced professionals to learn from them.

Register for the ILead ESEC Prep Workshop

Thursday, Jan. 18 | 10:00 am - 11:00 am | WB130

Never been to a professional conference before?
Shy about interacting with more senior professionals?

Special just for Years 1 and 2 EngSci students:  Troost ILead will host a workshop to help you get the most out of your ESEC experience.

Learn strategies for networking in a professional setting (with speakers, faculty, and fellow classmates) and knowledge on how and what to prepare for the conference.

You will learn:

  • Networking skills, approaches, & mindsets
  • How to prepare for a networking situation
  • The art of asking good professional questions

These skills are more important than ever and will help you throughout your career.

Download the ESEC Worksheet

Use what you'll learn at ESEC to explore your own future goals.

Our speakers will share powerful insights into different engineering-related industries and great career advice for EngSci students.

Use this handy reflection tool designed by Troost ILead especially for students attending ESEC to take notes and reflect on your own priorities and aspirations based on what you're learning at the conference.

You may also want to check out Troost ILead's upcoming career events.

Register for the ESEC Fireside Chats

Thursday., Jan. 26 | 6:10 pm - 7:30 pm | EngSci Common Room

Come meet our ESEC speakers in small groups for informal chats.

Join us for unstructured and open conversations about any
career- or life-related questions you may have.
EngSci alumni volunteers will facilitate the conversations.

Open to all EngSci students from Year 1 to Year 4!

Interested in learning about different EngSci options and what courses each option takes in the major years?

Check out the EngSci Orientation Blog with a detailed and accurate student perspective of each option (with a few additional "memes" added for good measure).

Need more official information about each major? Visit the official Engineering Science majors pages for a detailed description, FAQs about each major, and a sample of career options.

Networking is a vital skill that will help you to connect with colleagues and professionals across a variety of platforms, and ESEC is the perfect opportunity for you to practice those skills!

The following article from You're Next Career Network (YNCN) on How to Network can help with pinpointing your professional goals. As well, it serves as a guide on how to find "warm" and "cold" leads, one of whom could potentially be a speaker at ESEC!

If you're not very fond of networking or believe that it's not that useful, check out the following article on 4 Things Networking Can Help You Do (Besides Get a Job) on the benefits of building a professional or social network.

You want to maintain a business professional or business casual appearance at the conference as you will be interacting with speakers during their talks and at the reception.

Check out this video on how to dress "business casual"!

Dress for Success

The end goal is that you feel confident in your outfit! Here are some general recommendations, whether you choose to dress in business professional or business casual:

  • Nice pants, slacks, skirts, or dresses
  • No jeans, shorts, sundresses, or athletic wear
  • Skirts and dresses should be at least knee length while standing
  • Jackets should be either blazers or cardigans
  • Cell phones should be kept out of sight with personal belongings
  • Hair should be well groomed and styled

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Engineering Science Education Conference 2024

Last updated on Nov 22 2024 by ESEC's Web Team