Christian Weedbrook


1:45 PM - 2:45 PM  |  Friday, Jan. 26  |  BA1160

Session will start promptly at 1:45 PM.

The Journey to a Quantum Future

Once fully realized, quantum computers will solve problems we never thought possible. Building a quantum computer with enough power to solve these problems is one of this decade's biggest technological feats. Xanadu is taking on this challenge in their mission to build quantum computers that are useful and available to people everywhere. Xanadu Founder and CEO Christian Weedbrook talks about his journey to quantum and outlines Xanadu’s roadmap to a quantum future.

Speaker bio: 

Christian Weedbrook is the CEO and Founder of Xanadu Quantum Technologies, a Canadian quantum technology company building fault-tolerant quantum computers using light. Over the last 15 years, he has been at the forefront of bringing quantum technology to the world through his research and leadership in academia, government, and industry. Christian holds a PhD in Physics from the University of Queensland and held postdoc positions at MIT and the University of Toronto.


Speaker - Christian Weedbrook

Christian Weedbrook

CEO and Founder of Xanadu Quantum Technologies

COMING SOON:  Submit a question to Christian Weedbrook

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