Praxis II Showcase

This year's Praxis II Showcase
will be open to the public. 

Monday, April 15, 2024 | 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM EDT | Hart House, U of T

Registration is required for external guests
(i.e., alumni, staff, faculty, and students not affiliated with the course)

Registration will open in late March, please check back.

At the Praxis II Showcase, student teams present and demonstrate their designs. We encourage guests to ask questions and interact with students.

You are welcome to attend as much or as little of the event as you like--sessions are running in the morning and afternoon.

Praxis II is a Year 1 course that allows Engineering Science students to refine and apply their engineering, design, and communication skills. The students are given a single challenge:

Effect a verified and validated sustainable improvement in the lived experience of a community.

Focusing on a community allows students to gain first-hand experience with the issues confronting real groups of people and to engage one-on-one with stakeholders and community representatives.

In the first phase of the course, the class seeks out communities with which to engage. In collaboration with their community, they define an engineering opportunity and produce a Request for Proposal (RFP).

RFPs selected to proceed to the second phase of Praxis II this year are:

In the second phase, three to nine teams design engineering solutions for each RFP. This culminates in the public Praxis II Showcase. At the event, students share their refined understanding of their opportunity and their proposed engineering designs with a wide audience through posters, prototypes and presentations.

Past attendees include City Councillors, representatives from newspapers, radio, and television, as well as project stakeholders and materials suppliers.

Course Contact Information

Jennifer Lofgreen, Course Coordinator

Roger Carrick, Course Coordinator

Media Contact

Fahad Pinto, Communications & Media Relations Strategist
Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering
416-978-4498 (desk), 416-550-5585 (cell),