Life, Power Electronics, and Batteries
Damien Frost
This seminar will give a few highlights of my career since second year NΨ, focusing on the path that brought me here today. Along this journey I will be highlighting one or two interesting problems where the breadth of the NΨ curriculum played a key role in helping me succeed. The technical problems that I will be covering will involve power electronics and electrical energy storage devices. I will conclude with some insights into the electrical energy storage industry and its role in energy systems.
Speaker Biography
Damien Frost is the CTO and co-founder of Brill Power based in Oxford, UK. He hails from Toronto, Canada, where he also earned his B.A.Sc. as an NΨ 0T7, electrical option and M.A.Sc. in 2009 studying under Prof. Lehn and Prof. Prodic. Prior to his move to the UK, he co-founded ARDA Power, a spin-out company from the University of Toronto, specialising in high efficiency, high step-up ratio dc to dc converters for solar applications. ARDA is still in operation today. After his tenure in industry, he returned to academia to earn a PhD. His doctoral research focused on novel control techniques of power electronic devices completely integrated into battery packs. It was also during this time where he met his co-founders of Brill Power, which they founded in 2016 and fully kicked-off in late 2017 after the completion of his PhD.
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