After ESEC 2021
Share your feedback, help us thank our speakers, and self-reflect!
We value your input!
ESEC is run by EngSci students for EngSci students. We value your input!
If you attended ESEC 2021, help us thank our speakers and make next year's event even better.
Please fill out this short event feedback survey (open until Jan. 30, 2021).
Thank you to Speakers
We are grateful to all of our esteemed speakers for generously sharing their time.
EngSci students, please add your thanks through the feedback form--the last question on the form is for the thank you note. Thank you messages will be shared with our speakers in a physical card EngSci will send.
Please fill out this short event feedback survey (open until Jan. 30, 2021).
Post-ESEC Reflection
Use what you learned at ESEC to explore your own career options
Our speakers shared a lot of powerful insights into different engineering-related industries and some great career advice for engineering students.
Troost ILead has provided a handy reflection tool especially for students who attended ESEC to help you use what you just learned to reflect on your own aspirations.
We encourage you to fill it in to explore your own ideas and help chart a course forward.
You may also want to check out Troost ILead's upcoming career events.
Visit our ESEC 2021 Social Pages
Engineering Science Education Conference 2021
Last updated on Jan 23 2021 by ESEC Web Team